Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The Word: Mantra

Part Of Speech:Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):"I should've sold everything and brought the money to America a long time ago" became his mantra. (Pg.129)

Context Clues:revolution

Definition:A word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.

Your Original Sentence: Since I've been a child my mantra has been "goal" after a goal in a soccer game.


The Word:Noxious

Part Of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):Without taking a break, I scrubbed intensely, trying my best not to inhale the noxious fumes.

Context Clues: inhale, fumes

Definition:Harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being: noxious fumes.

Your Original Sentence: For the army my cousin was to gain discipline by walking into a toxic room, so that made my cousin a bit noxious.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Word: Staunch

Part of Speech: Verd

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): In 1980, however, despite my father's staunch devotion, an accent that fairness, he was still a foreigner with an accent, an accent that after the after the Iranian Revolution was associated with all things bad.

Context Clues: My mother rarely questions my father's choice...

Definition: firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, ect., as a person

Your Original Sentence: Considering my past I see my father as a staunch man.


The Word: Tutelage

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): I had been taking French since seventh grade, and under the tutelage of my high school teacher, Mr. Polkingharn, affectionately know as Le Polk, I had become quite fluent. ( 130)

Context Clues: affectionately..

Definition: the act of guarding protecting, or guiding, office or function of a guardian; guardianship. 

Your Original Sentence: I was tutelage by my parents in Mexico.


The Word: Backdrop

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): Against this backdrop of teenage angst, there would have to be a symbol, a representation of the confidence that comes with eventual intellectual and spiritual growth.

Context Clues: There would be no theme song...

Definition: A painted cloth hung at the back of a stage set. Also called backcloth

Your Original Sentence: Backdrops seem to be at every show.

Week 2

A reading habit that I contain is to read at night or when it's really quite. I can say I am really close with my habits of reading but when I read around no peace I find myself doing bad. At night I'm comfortable to be able to relax out with the fresh air. And if it's quite then i'll read no matter what time it is. I also realized that I can read all the words at a pace that is comfortable for me. I know that my mother likes to read because I've seen her read many times. I was encouraged to read through my father and mother. They would call me to there room to read before I would go to sleep and other days they would read to me.

Week 1

The usage of vocabulary words has opened my mind to have a more intellectual conversation. It's made me want to learn more because it's a new way of speaking for me with out talking to much, with a new approach to english. When I read the word, I remember that I've given an explanation about a single word when I could have just said the word. I now approach unfamiliar words with happiness to know that that word can mean a whole sentence that I can use. I now find myself using new words I've learn but as soon as I learn it I tell my brother a sentence with the word in it. But after that I dont seem to remember to use it in a sentence until a proper timing comes to me, then I realize it and I'm able to use it in a sentence.


Word: Exclusion

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source and Page #: "...familiarity with different cultural formsstems from patterns of exclusion throughout history, as well asintegration into networks..." P. 41

Context Clues: The word "integration" is an antonym for exclusion.

Definition: to prevent from using; state of being excluding

Your Original Sentence: The teacher made an exclusion that I must not usepencil when I write my notes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The Word: Baklavas

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): In Berkeley, and only in Berkeley, my name drew people like flies to baklava. Pg. 64

Context Clues: I used my logic to figure out the word Baklavas through my own knowledge "flies fly to food."

Definition: a Near Eastern pastry made of many layers of paper-thin dough with a filling of ground nuts, baked and then drenched in a syrup of honey and sometimes rosewater.

Your Original Sentence: At a dount shop near my house they sell baklavas.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The word: Sensuous

Part of Speech: adjective

The source sentence and (page number):When the meal was finally ready, we all sat together and savored the sensuous experience of a delicious Persian meal (pg. 25)

Context Clues: savord the sensuous experience of a delicious persian meal.

Definition: relating to ur affecting the sences rather than the intellect.

Your original sentence: The sensuous feeling of driving drive me to another level.


The Word: Ubiquitous

Part of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and Page #:“The media is also ubiquitous- present in airports, elevators, classrooms, bars and restaurants, and hospital waiting room.” P. 42

Context Clues:Saying it was present in all these different places, infers that its common or everywhere.

Definition:Existing everywhere; Inescapable

Your Original Sentence:Student are ubiquitous on a college campus.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The word: Lavished

Part of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number):“People lavished compliments on me” p. 11

Context Clues:Compliments and the impression the people gave her recommend that they were generous and extravagant because she new English. Syn.

Definition:Expending or bestowing profusely, generous way, extravagant, abundant, profuse.

Your Original Sentence:I was lavished with many roses on my graduation.